Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stores That Have Layway

The priests and fascists always reprehensible

"How is it to get to the right of the Right" - thought Scioli before giving the order not to appeal the ruling that, in his district, allowed two women to marry. Mauritius was not going to be more liberal than him ...

This drew the ire of those who claim to represent God on Earth. RatSSinger changed his manly atu endo, and immediately got in touch via twitter with PaulVito Angel, one of the few survivors of the Inquisition, heretics, wise in magic arts, spiritual calling, hypnotist, tarot, massage Relieving and handler white and black, pa 'does not discriminate. I needed to call the wise men for advice to the overwhelming advancement of homosexuality in the world. Angel tried unsuccessfully to communicate with them through St. Peter at the entrance to heaven, but he told to his surprise, that neither Quarraccino nor were there Innocent III, who were not admitted, that God himself had ordered that they do not they and the rest of the anti-Christians in the name of the swarmed the earth.

The highest authorities of various churches homodisidentes and homophobic politicians met to devise strategies to not allow those rights to these sinners. Ill omen Hot Ton, Bergo glio, such a Mint Case List and the Father Grassi, instead of the chaff, often in their own eyes, they decided to unleash the exposure of damages, by their prejudices, that legalization of these joints cause for which they issued a document, "Putumayo Renovarum Patetic Lapidarum" in which they stated:

"We who defend the word of God will not allow such unions trout, these marriages between women and these men heritage. Timely and reject divorce, civil marriage in lieu of marriage ecclesiastical equality rights marital and extramarital children, and other obvious things, communicate the most faithful, loyal and not so well, which, as the word of God, those fucking stoned heretics, as they say our scriptures and the scriptures that we do when we buy more properties to our name. Because otherwise we would accept not only marriage but also egg omelette without the fucking mesmésimo marriage. For that we are held by the state so that our interpretation of what God said is above what they think these men and women who run the country. What do you think? Psss. What they came up with human rights? The Earth is flat, so it is a planet, that was always well, and this will continue, and the marriage is to procreate, because nobody can have sex except to procreate, recreational sex is contrary to the Word of God and should be banned. Or will you deny that too? Where is society, brothers and sisters, first started with condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies, bad, very bad, it is against religion, having sex without a condom is a joke, by lining or not use it, because that is the will of the Lord, who get screwed by sinners. By Esso, and Petrobras, ordered, on pain of excommunication, senators and senators not to allow this aberration supreme Maryland. Our children and acolytes will thank us in many ways. "

Meanwhile, a cartonero usually spend the night at the entrance of a large cathedral in the city of Buenos Aires, picked up a wallet that was ruled a deputy pro vablemente disgusted, of dubious quality, containing an autographed photo of Valeria Mazza, a string of garlic, a bill to create a reformatory for gays, lesbians and transvestites, another to prevent being questioned by religious trifles as discriminating controls and cake (although that part is having corrected replaced by "disgusting homosexual" and "degenerate lesbians, which is not so hurtful ...) and his strange way to end his celibacy with children, without distinction or discrimination based on sex or sexual orientation. There was also a bit of dignity and social consciousness, but is unused and in a sorry state. After vomiting, plugged again with their cards, waiting for the dawn.

Meanwhile, after reading the paper in bed, a Pope, a Cardinal and a Bishop, after taking a warm herbal tea, and smoking herbs that brought their servants rented by the faithful and the own state, and a deputy and a senator, all under munidas warm blankets, were preparing to sleep.

Meanwhile, children of gays and lesbians still can have the same rights as children from whom they can marry.

Meanwhile, in the hands of the Senate and the Supreme Court of Argentina, is the solution to many social problems for many families that today the state does not recognize their rights.


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