Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where To Get Morton Quick Salt

I know everything ...

For young people who believe know it all, an interesting thought:

A cocky student who was on a bus filled to capacity bothered to explain to an older man sitting next to him, because it is impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.

- "You grew up in a different world, actually almost primitive," he said in a voice loud enough to hear about it.

- "The youth of today grew up with television, internet, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon. Our space probes have visited Mars ... We have ships with nuclear power and electric cars and hydrogen. Computers to process speed of light ... and more "

After a brief silence, the old man replied as follows:

-" You're right, son. We did not have those things when we were young ... so the invented !. Now, arrogant asshole, what are YOU doing for the next generation? " The applause was thunderous


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