Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where To Get Morton Quick Salt

I know everything ...

For young people who believe know it all, an interesting thought:

A cocky student who was on a bus filled to capacity bothered to explain to an older man sitting next to him, because it is impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.

- "You grew up in a different world, actually almost primitive," he said in a voice loud enough to hear about it.

- "The youth of today grew up with television, internet, jet planes, space travel, man walking on the moon. Our space probes have visited Mars ... We have ships with nuclear power and electric cars and hydrogen. Computers to process speed of light ... and more "

After a brief silence, the old man replied as follows:

-" You're right, son. We did not have those things when we were young ... so the invented !. Now, arrogant asshole, what are YOU doing for the next generation? " The applause was thunderous

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why Do People Post Numbers As Their Status

The Pink Tomato Somontano commercial projection increases

Traditional Gardeners Association and Friends of the Huerta del Alto Aragon has met their expectations well production Rosa Tomato and sale in markets, as a distinctive product that aims to achieve food quality mark C "alial. In the course of six months, have received more than 3,000 accessions written, has become the Agri-Food Consortium Somontano , which includes fifteen companies of the sector, and have worked 140 establishments.
At the end of the campaign, the marketing of tomato rose in Somontano of 105,000 kilos has been an increase in ratio of 40 to 70 percent over usual figures , by opening new markets to introduce the product. Looking to 2010, estimates are 120,000 to 150,000 kilos of product that already enjoys recognized quality.
Data part of the balance of activities in recent months and were provided in the Gala Pink Tomato Order, on Saturday 5th December at the Congress Centre, attended by 350 people, including Jaime Facerías , chairman of the District of Somontano, town councilors and many farmers. The event brought
Antonio Cosculluela, Barbastro mayor and president of the Provincial Government; Roque Vicente, secretary general technical Environment, Government of Aragon and Javier Betorz, president of the Association. In the same table, sat Carlos Arroyo and David Ferrer, Chief Marketing Group, Training and Treatment Association; Elita Davies, Head of traditions and folklore, Amparo Llamazares, technical Agri-Food Technology Centre Government of Aragon and Stephen Andrew, Head of Administration.
promotion activities, attendance at events, accessions, agreements with companies about joint work of documentation required to get the C "alial and increased tomato production rose in the Somontano, reflect the work done in half a year. In his speech, Betorz was "satisfied that the objectives have been met but it is long distance and also demanding for this joint project.
So far," the initiative promotion and adherence has been reported but the fundamental purpose is economic, typical of those who undertake the venture, whose impact will be felt by achieving the mark C "alial." The effects of opening new markets and have been noted in the increased production and actions continue in the face of plantations in the spring with the announcement "surprising actions."
provided include planning meetings with different authorities to coordinate activities, programs and access to grants. In this line, is part of the study on "The characterization of Rosa Tomato Production" held in the Shire and Ceder Somontano through cooperation Agriturismo food and Feder Programs Pyrenees. So far in the process have been met "with the utmost rigor" the particulars required by the Government of Aragon through the Quality Committee, needed to grant C "alial in Tomato Rosa.