elections are approaching, on 28th June ...
Don Carlos Francis of the ins and outs, current City Council candidate for the party United Front Fair and Emerging Social Workers (WERE), reminded us that "at one time the politicians had ideas, but little did them, but people at least believed that they could do something, now or that. " Don Vicente Nario, the first council of the region, fighting the battle of Caseros, fighter of the Battle of Chacabuco and wrestler, added "Ideas do not kill, kill the assholes that want to do with ideas, to finish telling a juicy story" while drinking orange juice, one night we met with the three brothers Juan José Paso, and generate many ideas, when we went to a political meeting, we shouted Paso, Paso, Paso, has been the Step by Step, which was eventually modified by the new generations and political degeneration. "
Anyway ... Elections are coming and many of you, perhaps, not know to whom they will vote. So this post attempts desasnar asses, as unless I show I'm in a mistake.
therefore I decided to share a short questionnaire in order to know, Dear reader, how much do you know about the candidates of these elections on June 28, 2009?
The mini-survey is made on the basis of the first candidates for some of the lists of candidates for national deputies of the City of Buenos Aires Please answer honestly, and if you do not know what answer horn .. . do not make the tun tun, googling candidates named below and learn from wikipedia, or ask a friend a. .., do you think about it, I'm going to walk over teaching, or below, you piece of ignorant ( this to the hypothesis that Be the gross ignorance, if not resources, pa what do you do you charge?), and then read the conclusions:
Who are the candidates:
A) Civic and Social Agreement: 1. Prat Gay, 2. Enola Gay, 3. Bill Gay.
B) Project South: 1. Pino Solanas, 2. Solanas Punta 3. Pino Colbert.
C) Pro Republican Proposal: 1. Gabriela Michetti, 2. Machetti Gabriela, 3. Gabriela Acher.
D) Front for Victory: 1. Carlos Heller, 2. Charles Gelber, 3.Carlos Tevez.
E) Socialist Party: 1. Hector Polino, 2. Hector Paulino 3. Marcelo Polino.
F) Workers' Party: 1. Jorge Altamira, 2. George Altamura, 3. Jorge Altamirano.
G) Dialogue and the City: 1. Anibal Ibarra, 2. Aníbal Dazo, 3. Hannibal and bar.
H) Left Front ... and PTS-MAS: 1. Christian Castillo, 2. Christian Hall, 3. Christian Castro.
I) Self-determination and freedom: 1. Luis Zamora, 2. Luis Amora, 3. Luis Majul.
J) Party Mov Soc Workers: 1. Vilma Ripoll, 2. Vilma Palma 3. Wilma Flintstone.
Results: Most
1.: You are permanently updated with the political reality of his district. Most
2.: You must have some problems with understanding the macro reality. Most
3.: Nah, you should begin to stop using recreational substances. Mixed
1., 2. and 3.: Allow to mix, because the combo is terrible ...
- Some doubt between voting and launch.
- I already said once
- The public is renewed
- is true, and why hesitate
- If you do so at the ballot box or trash can
- Quack!
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