Uruguayan President Vázquez, according to Clarin, plans to take to Brasilia next week to address several points, to which he added at the last moment another complaint: the constraints will complain about Argentine exports of your country. These barriers would hurt, and want to take the debate within the Mercosur bloc.
- "Yes, Argentine barriers harm us" - said a press spokesman for Eastern, Korean mita mita Uruguay.
- "We have nothing to do - manifested in chorus and Pia Romero Marcela Baudracco of ATTTA (Association of Transvestites Transsexuals and Transgender Argentina) - and it seems to us which we call apartheid" through " is discriminatory and INADI-priate to call us as well.
- "The girls trans, transvestites, all we do is try to live with dignity as possible in a society that has us as outcasts, and which give us no chance to be called by our name gender, access to education and health in a dignified manner, and work also with dignity, no one takes a cross to work and many have to end up as prostitutes for a living - Yessi added, as he read the classifieds of daily. - In fact there are many job offers that say they are looking for people of both sexes, but none gives me ball. "
- "The transvestites all they do is corrupt the system of life, not the image to give our children - one parent commented while receiving back from the services provided by Kari Lina, wiping a carilina .- then will want to marry, as they claim to be the fucking same as normal pssss ... "
Who gave the note was Professor Erectus Yaturrectus, that was in the classroom to their students. Then said about the lack of understanding and discrimination of those who are prejudiced, intolerant and do not understand that everyone is equal before the law under our Constitution National.
Meanwhile from IN.SER.VIB.LE. (Intelligent Service Vibradoris Legalise) secret agency policy analysis, social analysis, economic analysis and urinalysis, suspect that the issue of hatred towards transvestites Argentina would have a double vision: not only would xenophobia also be breast-phobia.